Fednav supports and participates in various associations and partnerships, including maritime and ports environmental committees, Arctic protection and development, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence initiatives, and economic development as well as marine advisory and human resources groups.

All Aboard AllianceChamber of Commerce of MontrealLloyd’s Register North American Advisory CommitteeNeptune Declaration
Antwerp Chartering ClubComité sectoriel de 
main-d’œuvre de l’industrie 
maritime du Québec (CSMOIM)
Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon ShippingOntario Marine Council
Antwerp Shipping Federation (ASV)DNV North American Technical CommitteeMariners' House of MontrealQuebec Marine Transportation Forum
Arctic Marine Advisory BoardGetting to Zero CoalitionMarine Transportation Advisory Council (MTAC)Réseau Québec Maritime (RQM)
Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO)Global Maritime ForumMaritime 
Anti-Corruption Network (MACN)
Shipping Federation of Canada
Canadian Maritime Law AssociationGreen MarineMontreal Council on Foreign Relations (CORIM)SODES (St. Lawrence Economic Development Council)