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Safety and efficiency – the Fednav way


October 19, 2018

October 19, 2018, by Jeremy Daoust, Manager, Owned Fleet, Fednav Limited Breakbulk Magazine, Issue 4 / 2018

Fednav is a major operator in the Atlantic bulk and breakbulk trade with an impressive safety record. Because it is at the forefront of our corporate values, we cannot and do not treat safety as a second-tier priority. All operational and commercial considerations radiate from this central principal like spokes on a wheel. Having a strong safety culture is the prerequisite for pro­viding service at the absolute highest standard for our customers who require sensitive cargo to be shipped in some of the industry’s toughest operational regions—the North-Atlantic, the St. Lawrence Seaway system, the Great Lakes and in winter navigation, where ice, wind, and cold pushes the limits and poses severe challenges for our seafarers. In fact, our strong safety values allow us to confidently push shipping bound­aries and enable us to perform consistently, thereby fulfilling our brand promise of “Deliver­ing a Higher Standard.”

As a shipowner and operator, Fednav strives to be an active and leading partner within our customer’s total supply chain. Our goal is to manage the risk within our segment and provide cost-effective solutions that meet or exceed our customer’s needs that allow them to bring value to their respective markets.

The latter can only be achieved by having the right mix of experience, humility, belief, and confidence in our capabilities and by hav­ing key partners that support and understand our mission. In 2019, we will be celebrating our 75th anniversary and throughout our his­tory, the Fednav team has gained invaluable experience that has shaped our culture and the way we do business. We have been judiciously converting these years of experience, lessons learned, successes and failures into processes, procedures, new vessel designs, and strong relationships with other leaders within the ship­ping industry. Safety never gets old.

By forming strong relationships with our key partners; ship managers, classification societ­ies, flag states, and shipyards, Fednav is able to make strong efficiency gains over the years. These have been fundamental to our ability to properly service our customers and to differ­entiate ourselves from the competition. Putting our heads together is vital, particularly in the complex world of shipping.

For Fednav, the math is simple—passion plus confidence in our safety culture allows us to keep growing and finding new ways of bringing value to each of our customers. As such, we will remain on course and never devi­ate from our path.

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